God Has Blessed us so much. We desire to finance this adoption debt free. That is our prayer. We have had many generous donations already! Thanks so much, here is a list of gifts so far:
Need ~ $30,000
Jun/Jul $2250 Savings
July $1300 Yard Sale
8/14 $1846 in Cookbook Donations and Christ Chapel Family Donations
8/26 $100 RLS
8/27 $500 LR
10/7 $1000 CDW
10/8 $100 JWS
10/22 $80 (tee shirts so far taking out costs to make tee shirts)
10/30 $1000 (sent to AW for our raffle)
11/6 $200 KB
11/6 $230 Bake Sale
11/6 $60 Tee shirts
11/15 $90 CKN
12/30 $200 DKD
1/2/12 $500 CKCN JAR'd
1/2/12 $100 Khloe Jar
2/10/12 $2700 Savings
2/14/12 $1000 DCP
2/17/12 $220
3/24/12 Items donated for yard sale and auction by LRS
3/25/12 $1000 made from items donated on 3/24/12
3/29/12 Found out who our Khloe is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4/2012 Khloe Scentsy basket $100 KD
4/2012 Wild Olive Tees $97.50
05/03/2012 Khloe Yard Sale $635
05/2012 $1000 BTO
07/2012 $40 Tee Shirts
07/2012 $100 Variety Basket KD
8/2012 $75 NY
Total so far: $16,323.50 Amount Needed: $13,676.50
We should be traveling within a month! We will need the above amount before we travel to cover the remaining costs. We are trusting that God will provide what we need to complete this journey to Khloe! Please pray for the financial mountain ahead of us! My God can move mountains!!